Barristers Summary

Breeze for Barristers accounts software David Meehan FCCA Brief & Wig

DMFC providing bespoke services to barristers- incorporating SummaBarrister accounts software

What can DMFC do for Barristers?

-Enable you to adopt robust yet easy-to-apply financial processes.-Support fee justification with an integrated finance / time capture system- IOS or Android App provided.

-Improve fee recovery process and improve cash collection processes.

-Monitor profitability and taxation (Income Tax & VAT) on an ongoing basis.

-Review accounts prior to completing Income Tax return (Form 11).

-Advise on allowable expenses for Income Tax computation.

-File your Form 11 on ROS (if required).

-Give access to the SummaBarrister Financial Management System (if required) FREE.


See “Barrister Pricing” page for prices and referral discounts available.